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This is for informational purposes only. Please see your advisor for strategic academic planning.
This calculator allows you to calculate your current G.P.A in your major. For accurate calculations, please enter only courses relevent to your selected Major. These courses can be found on you major's course checklist. Please check with you academic advisor for the lastest version of your checklist. Please also obtain a copy of your transcript either from you academic advisor or from your NetDirect portal.
Please follow these steps in preparation for and using this G.P.A calculator.
Using your major's course checklist, mark all courses related to your major on your transcript.
IMPORTANT! If you have repeated a course and have filed the Repeat Course Form, the course you've repeated will have forward slashes enclosing it, and the course being replaced will have parenthesis enclosing it on your transcript. Be sure to mark every occurance of this course, meaning the first time you took it and every other time that you have repeated it.
Please Note:
GPA is a NUMBER entry; do not enter a letter grade (hover to see chart)
For further details on grade calculation, please see Policy 2080
For further information on the University's Academic Standing Policy, see Policy 2050
For instructions on how to get an unoffical transcript from your NetDirect account Click here.
This GPA calculator and forecaster only works for Metropolitan State University credits.
Course Entry
Enter for every course:
the number of credit hours.
the grade received.
It is highly recommanded that you reference this example transcript to help you enter repeat courses.
mark the Repeat checkbox only if this course has forward slashes "/" enclosing the "credits earned" section of this course.
if a course is marked as repeat, please enter the previous grade you earned for that course. You can find which course is the previous course that this course replaced on your transcript by searching for the same course in a previous semester which has parenthesis "( )" enclosing the "credits earned" section of that course.
IMPORTANT: If you have repeated a course more than once and has filed a Repeat Course Form, please understand that filing only replaces your very first attempt at the course. Every subsequent attempt(s) are counted in your G.P.A calculations. Please see your academic advisor for more information.
(Hover over the Repeat column for more information on repeating courses)
Use this part of the form to see a complete report of your GPA projected over a range of credits. This will show in a separate report window.
Please Note:
You must complete the Course Entry above before proceeding with this part of the form.
Please enter a GPA goal:
This GPA Calculator was written and designed by Fred Carpenter and Kou Vang
Under testing please contact for distribution
Creative Commons License CYNCSA